
Congratulations Dr. Svadlenak!

Scott Svadlenak defended his dissertation on the hydrodechlorination of PVC to high-value hydrocarbon waxes. Congratulations! Scott is taking this project commercial, spinning it out into our startup, Renewcat, INC. He also received the Chain Reaction Innovation Fellowship from DOE/ANL to work on this technology and move our company forward!

Congratulations Dr. Bathena!

Tanmayi defended her dissertation on the dynamic redox properties of bismuth molybdate propylene oxidation catalysts. Congratulations! Looking forward to more great work from you at PNNL!

Paper accepted!

 We are very happy to see this published! Scott's work on upcycling PVC to high-value waxes was accepted at Applied Catalysis B. This is a very promising methodology to prevent end-of-life PVC from being landfilled, converting PVC instead to a wax that can be used as an adhesive. Many thanks to VentureWell, the Vinyl Institute and the Oregon State Advantage Accelerator for funding! Also grateful to our collaborators, the teams of Dr. Wildenschild at OSU and Dr. Boudouris at Purdue!

Congratulations Dr. Kristy!

Stephen successfully defended his dissertation: "Investigations of catalytic CO oxidation: effects of alloying copper and palladium"! Congratulations! We are looking forward to seeing your research achievements at Idaho Nat'l Lab!

Migrant Engineering Summer Camp

Kostas led a session at the Oregon State University Migrant Engineering Summer Camp. We talked about dyes and pigments and how paints are produced. We also made some Egyptian Blue!

Our work was featured in the media!

 Scott's work on PVC upcycling to waxes was featured in the media:  Turning PVC waste into eco-friendly adhesive: OSU researchers find innovative solution ( !

Paper Accepted!

Tanmayi's paper on the geometric and electronic effects of alloying Pd and Cu on reactions of oxygenates was published. Grateful for the collaboration with the Grabow group!